Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

1. Overview

Diversity at Matisse Capital is expressed through management’s commitment to equality and the treatment of all individuals with respect. Matisse Capital is committed to developing a rich culture, a diverse workforce, and a healthy work environment in which every employee is treated fairly, is respected, and has the opportunity to contribute to the success of the company, while having the opportunity to achieve their full potential as individuals.

Diversity at Matisse Capital refers to all the characteristics that make individuals different from each other. It includes characteristics or factors such as religion, race, ethnic origin, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other potential factor of difference. Matisse Capital understands that the wide range of experiences and perspectives resulting from such diversity promotes innovation and business success. Diversity management makes us creative, productive, responsive, competitive and creates value for our clients.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all current employees of Matisse Capital (including full-time, part-time, contractual, permanent, and temporary employees) and also applies to job applicants.

3. Commitment from Matisse Capital

We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All employees, no matter whether they are part-time, full-time, or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. When Matisse Capital selects candidates for employment, promotion, training, or any other benefit, it will be based on their aptitude and ability.

Matisse Capital is committed to:

  • Creating an environment in which the individual differences and contributions of all team members are recognized and valued.
  • Creating a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee.
  • Attracting and retaining a skilled and diverse workforce that best represents the talent available in the communities in which our assets are located and our employees reside.
  • Ensuring appropriate selection criteria based on diverse skills, experience, and perspective is used when hiring new staff; job specifications, advertisements, application forms and contracts will not contain any direct or inferred discrimination.
  • Ensuring that applicants and employees of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply for and have fair opportunity to be considered for all available roles.
  • Providing, to the greatest extent possible, universal access to safe, inclusive, and accessible premises that allow everyone to participate and work to their full potential.
  • Complying with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation.
  • Not tolerating any form of intimidation, bullying, victimization, vilification, or harassment and taking disciplinary action against those who violate this policy.
  • Providing training, development, and advancement opportunities for all staff based on merit.
  • Encouraging employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Encouraging anyone who feels they have been discriminated against, to express their concerns so that we can take corrective action.

Matisse Capital will inform all employees that a DEI Policy is in operation and that they are obligated to comply with its requirements and promote fairness in the workplace. Matisse Capital’s DEI Policy is fully supported by senior management.

4. Employee Responsibilities
  • All employees have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect at all times.
  • All employees are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion during work, at work functions on or off the work site, and at all other company-sponsored and participative events.
5. Manager Responsibilities
  • Managers are responsible for understanding their role in promoting diversity, communicating and implementing policies and procedures effectively, and working with staff to integrate the values of diversity into employment practices.
  • Building a workforce that is provided with opportunities to develop skill and experience for career advancement, learning and development.
6. Compliance, Training, Review, and Breach
  • All employees are responsible for complying with the Company’s DEI Policy and for reporting violations or alleged violations in accordance with the policy.
  • The policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to reflect changing legislation, demographics, and organizational priorities.
  • Any breach of this DEI Policy must be reported directly to management. Anyone who contravenes this DEI Policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal.

Adopted 12/21/2021

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